Sermons on “Forgiveness”

Darker Times
March 29, 2020 Frank Thompson Forgiveness, Jesus, Stress Selected Scriptures Finding Our Way In The Dark Days 1 comment
Finding Our Way In The Dark Days
Part 2
Jesus’ response to the traitor.

Lost, Lost, Lost, And …?
God’s love for us is a prodigal love. He seeks us out no matter where we are.
Luke 15:1-32

The Freedom Forgiveness Brings
Part 2
Life is too short to live as a hostage. Cancel the debt and enjoy your freedom.
Ephesians 4:31-32

Pebbles And Rocks
Rocks and Pebbles are similar but not the same. So which one are You?
John 21:15-19

Can You Say “I Forgive”
November 4, 2016 Frank Thompson Christian Life, Forgiveness, Relationships Matthew Forgiveness No comments
The first message in our study of the precepts of forgiveness found in scripture.
Matthew 18:21-35