Sermons on “John”

The Wondrous Christ
If we want to see people truly saved we must show them the true savior Jesus Christ.
John 1:1-51

An Identity Crisis
Our identity and purpose can only be found if we look in the right place.
John 21:18-23

Pebbles And Rocks
Rocks and Pebbles are similar but not the same. So which one are You?
John 21:15-19

We Are Better Together
As a church if we don’t go together we will not go at all.
John 13:1-15

Behold Your Mother
Mother’s Day reminds us of the sacrifice our moms chose to make because of love. It’s a picture of God’s love for us.
John 19:26-27

I Have Finished And It Is Finished
When your will gets in The Way the work will be accomplished.
John 17:4 ; John 19:30

Interviews From The Foot Of The Cross
What was going through the minds of people who watched Jesus being crucified? We are told of 4 people who loved Jesus that were there for Him that day on Golgotha. Pastor Thompson shares a his thoughts on what Mary Magdalene, Salome, Mary and John might say if we could ask them about that day.
John 19:23-27