Sermons on “Stress”

When You’re Coming Unhinged
The most unlikely people can fall into despair when their faith is broken.
John 11:3-35

Regretting Life’s Disappointments
August 13, 2017 Frank Thompson Christian Life, Peace, Stress Ecclesiastes The Book Of Regrets No comments
Part 8
A look at the direct relationship between our disappointments and our joy.
Ecclesiastes 6:1-12

Finding Your Way During The Dark Days
We have a Savior who experienced our struggles.
Mark 14:33-43

God Sees God Provides
Scripture assures us that God provides. We don’t always believe this because His provision is providential.
Genesis 24,28,42,45,50

Finding Your Way During The Dark Days
The black storm clouds of despair can block out any hope of rescue but God will burst through like fireworks to bring light and understanding in our dark days.
2 Samuel 22:1-18

Some Are, Others Are Not
Every Christian will face trials in their life. Today’s message speaks to those whom God chooses not deliver from their trial.
Hebrews 11:33-35; Daniel 3:20-25