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Sermons on “Christian Life”

Good Cheer For The New Year
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Hebrews 13:5-6

You Can’t Unscramble An Egg
Part 2
There is no place for sin or the occasion for sin in the believer’s life. There is also no reason for the ghost of guilt to have any power over you because of past sins.
2 Corinthians 1:12

Little Things
All the little things that can get overlooked or pushed to the side are the very things we need to keep our christian walk healthy and vibrant.
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Do You Have Joy
Joy unspeakable and full of glory. This feeling of comfort, in spite of our circumstances, put in us by the Holy Spirit causes us to have joy and to “re-joice.”
Nehemiah 8:10

Have You Lost That Loving Feeling
Consider your ways and look in the mirror that is the Word of God.
Haggai 1:2-12

The shade is a place of rest and comfort. Beware, Satan can use worldliness and worry to keep us in his shade. The shade of the Savior is produced when we are covered in scripture, songs and supplication.
Luke 22:45-62