Sermons on “John”

Don’t Miss The Point
Lessons from Mary Magdalene’s experience at the garden tomb.
John 20:10-21

I Want To Tell You A Secret
John 15:1-9
A simple illustration that reveals a startling allegation.

Nicodemus, Nicodemus, Nicodemus
You must be born again to see the kingdom of God.
John 3:1-10

Your Best Solution to Your Biggest Problems
Too much of this and too little of that.
Matthew 14, John 6

When You’re Coming Unhinged
The most unlikely people can fall into despair when their faith is broken.
John 11:3-35

How The Empty Tomb Filled An Empty Heart
Because He lives our heart can be full of hope no matter the situation.
John 20:11-13 & Isaiah 53:9