Emergency Operations and Procedure

1299 15th Ave SW, Childersburg, AL 35044
Version 1 – August 2020
In order to provide a safe, secure worship environment for members, visitors and staff, and to grow the Kingdom of God, Grace Baptist Church of Childersburg, AL, (GBC) is establishing and implementing this Emergency Operations Procedures (EOP). This plan will be used by the pastor, staff and volunteers as a guide in securing the safety and well-being of church members, staff and guests. GBC will employ this plan, along with prayer, good judgment and dedication, in handling unforeseen circumstances that might arise on the church campus.
Should any incident arise, the pastor will be the official spokesperson for the congregation. All others should tell interested parties to speak to the pastor before making comments.
The plan addresses eight different types of emergencies that might arise. Although the emergencies may differ in severity and frequency, all are potentially serious. Click on an item below to learn more or download and print:
- Missing Child (pg 3)
- Medical Emergencies (pg 4)
- Disorderly/Suspicious Persons (pg 6)
- Severe Weather (pg 7)
- Severe Weather Policies (pg 8)
- Fire Emergencies (pg 9)
- Bomb Threats (pg 10)
- Suspicious Items or Packages (pg 11)
- Active Shooters (pg 12)
- Security Team Member Requirements and Suggested Equipment (pg 15)
- Security Team Members List (pg 16)
Download Grace Emergency Operations and Procedures
The elders may change the emergency plan as they deem necessary, relying on the help and suggestions of staff and volunteers in making changes. Staff and volunteers should review the plan periodically. Volunteers should include medical and law enforcement professionals in the church membership, as well as other individuals who wish to be involved and are willing to uphold the same standards and proficiency in their participation as professional members.
Following are directions for dealing with emergency situations:
Regardless of whether a child is simply lost or abducted, notify the closest person to you with a radio.
- Security team member
- Ministerial staff
The information that needs to be given or retrieved:
- Name
- Gender
- Age, hair and eye color
- Clothes description
- Where last seen
- How long they have been missing
Security team leader will radio other Security team members and staff leadership that can assist in the search.
If the child is not found within a reasonable amount of time, call 9-1-1.
No one is allowed to leave campus until the child is found or the police give permission for people to leave campus.
Medical emergencies occur in two forms: illness and/or injury.
- Illness – Multi-causal sickness or impairment that affects the whole body or system of the body.
- Trauma – Any injury to the body as a result of some type of force impacting the body from outside causes. Examples are falls, vehicle accidents, bullets, knives, fires, tornadoes, electrocution.
Both can occur in the same incident, usually illness causing a trauma injury.
If there is a medical emergency, either illness or trauma related, Tim Holloway and the medical team (i.e., firefighter/EMT/paramedic, nurse, doctor, etc.) will be notified to respond to the scene of the medical emergency.
A Security team member will respond to the scene to assist with securing the scene while a second Security team member will obtain the closest pre-positioned First Aid Trauma kit/first aid kit and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and carry to the scene.
Upon arrival, the responding medical personnel will conduct a patient assessment to determine if there is a need for advanced medical care/transport. If that need is confirmed, a team member will call 9-1-1 to activate Emergency Medical Service (EMS) response. He or she will provide information on the church exit closest to the emergency, and a Security team member will be assigned to that exit. When EMS arrives, the Security team member will escort EMS to the emergency scene.
If patient assessment determines there is currently no need for advance medical care/transport, responding medical personnel provide on-scene care to stabilize the patient. When that treatment is completed, the patient will be re-assessed. If his or her condition is deteriorating and advance medical care/transport is needed, Security team member will call for help. However, if advance medical care/transport is determined to be either unnecessary or declined, patients always will be encouraged to follow up with their primary care physicians.
During active shooter/inclement weather/fire emergencies, medical personnel will follow previously established EOP protocols and await an “all clear” alert. As soon as the alert sounds, all available medical personnel will respond to assist with the triage of any victims.
If the emergency occurs in the sanctuary, make every effort to move the person to the lobby.
When calling 9-1-1 give the following information if possible:
- Address and location of the emergency
- Nature of the call
Age and sex of the individual
- Difficulty the individual is having and as much information as possible about the situation and patient’s history
- Give your name and a call-back number
- Stay on the line with 9-1-1 until they release you
“We have a 62 year old male in cardiac arrest.
Location is Grace Baptist Church @1299 15th ST SW, CPR/AED is in progress. Patient has a cardiac history and is located in the sanctuary at the alpha/delta side of the building”
“We have 6 year old male with a possible broken arm as a result of a fall.
The location is Grace Baptist Church @ 1299 15th St SW.
Patient is alert and responsive.
The arm has been immobilized.
Unknown medical history.
Patient is located inside the center doors alpha side of the building”
The disorderly person might be any age, and his or her conduct may be either verbal or physical in nature. If staff or Security team members observe disorderly conduct, they should
- FIRST – ask the disorderly person to stop,
- SECOND – attempt to defuse the situation.
If these steps don’t work, the Security team /staff members on the scene may wish to notify appropriate parties such as parents, other relatives, staff or other members.
Or, depending on the severity of the conduct or crime, they may wish to contact local law enforcement. If this step is taken, Security team or staff members should attempt to detain the disorderly person.
But they must never touch, hold or grab someone unless it’s necessary for safety reasons or to make an arrest.
If the disorderly person leaves, those present should record his or her description and travel direction. Some disorderly persons may be suffering from mental illness. If this appears to be the case, keep them calm and try to find ways of assisting them. Patience is a virtue in such situations.
If someone on the church campus is acting in a suspicious manner, Security team or staff should attempt to ascertain who the person is and what he or she is doing that creates suspicion, Security team or staff should note the circumstances which created suspicion, and whether or not law enforcement should be notified.
NEVER approach a suspicious person alone. (Remember Contact & Cover)
If possible discretely take a picture of the person for distribution to other Security team members and law enforcement if necessary.
This section of the plan establishes operational and logistical procedures necessary to respond to, and recover from, a significant tornado or severe weather event.
Tornado / Severe Thunderstorm WATCH
- Security team members will monitor NOAA weather radio, the National Weather Service, or emergency alert radio stations.
- All persons outside should be brought inside.
- Activate appropriate emergency communication resources to inform key staff members of the situation. Instruct them in what their role will be if the situation worsens.
- Remind congregation members and staff of the safe locations within the building.
- Close all doors.
Tornado / Severe Thunderstorm WARNING
- Stay calm; do not rush and do not panic.
- Designated representative will monitor NOAA weather radio, National Weather Service, or emergency alert radio stations.
- Notify all building occupants to proceed to the designated STORM shelters within the building. Assist disabled and elderly people.
- If unable to get to a STORM shelter, go to an inside hallway at the lowest level of the building.
- Stay away from exterior windows and doors, shelving, or wall mounted audio visual equipment that could collapse on top of you.
- Get under a sturdy piece of furniture if possible.
- Close all doors.
- Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
- Have everyone remain in shelters until the warning expires or emergency personnel have issued an “all clear” signal.
Sunday Inclement Weather Policy:
When weather conditions are adverse during the weekend, a decision by the elders will be made by 8:00 AM Sunday about implementing the Sunday Inclement Weather Policy. If implemented, there will be NO Sunday School and there will be NO morning worship service. A decision concerning the Sunday evening activities will be made by 4:00 PM. If the Sunday Inclement Weather Policy is implemented, an announcement will be posted on our website, social media accounts and office phone line. For the most up-to-date and detailed information, please check the church website.
Wednesday Inclement Weather Policy:
When weather conditions are adverse on a Wednesday evening a decision by the elders will be made by 5:00 PM Wednesday about implementing the Wednesday Inclement Weather Policy. If implemented, there will be no Wednesday Night due to inclement weather. If the Wednesday Inclement Weather Policy is implemented, an announcement will be posted on our website, social media accounts and office phone line. For the most up-to-date and detailed information, please check the church website.
Weekday Inclement Weather Policy:
When weather and/or road conditions are adverse during the week, weekday activities or events may be canceled or postponed. Detailed announcements will be posted on our website and social media accounts and shared between members within those groups.
On-Site Inclement Weather Procedure:
If weather conditions should change while on campus your safety is our highest concern. During periods of concern the leadership will have someone listening to a NOAA weather radio. If weather conditions deteriorate we will immediately stop services and follow the below procedure. Please follow the below procedure as calmly and quietly as possible.
- Jimmy Taylor (or another member of leadership) will approach the stage and announce the emergency. Please stay seated and calm.
- The first priority will be to assign helpers to attend to the children. Adam Jordon (Deacon over the nurseries) will proceed to the fellowship hall. All parents, with children in the nursery, will be asked to accompany Adam and meet him in in the old building in the upstairs hallway. Adam will direct you from there. The goal will be to get all children into the basement and safely gathered into the south classrooms (classrooms without windows).
- As soon as those attending to the children have cleared the Sanctuary we will begin evacuating the sanctuary. The goal is to move everyone either into the basement or into the Fellowship hall against an interior wall and away from the windows.
- Handicapped and elderly will be asked to evacuate first. We will also ask for those able to help to escort these to the Fellowship hall. Chairs will be provided for those unable to stand. As you are exiting please stay to the left hand side of the aisles and move as fast but safe as possible.
- All others will be asked to evacuate calmly and carefully, staying on the right hand side of the aisles. Please be patient. If you are able to safely and quickly navigate the stairs please proceed to the basement and calmly and quietly line the walls in the hallway. Please proceed as far down the hallway as possible.
- Once the weather has cleared leadership will notify all groups that it is safe to return to your class and/or to the sanctuary. Once everyone has safely returned the Elders will announce at this time if normal activities will be concluded.
If the church fire alarm system is activated, ALL occupants should respond to the instructions and do so quickly. DIAL 9-1-1. Security team /staff should assist everyone in exiting the building, and remain outside until the announcement “All Clear” is made to return inside.
All Security team members and staff should be familiar with fire/building exits on campus. All should be familiar with the campus fire/building exits, and participate in an entire building walk-through periodically. This will be scheduled at the discretion of the pastor or designated staff member. All Security team and staff members also should be familiar with where fire extinguishers are located in the building and should know how to operate them.
When evacuating please go to the closest EXIT and move to the parking lot to the south side of church property and meet at the bus shed. Please be mindful of the people around you and assist disabled and elderly people to the gathering place. All Security team members will be the last ones out and make sure the building is clear.
The children’s classes will evacuate when the order is given and move to a designated location across the road at Jimmy and Christy Taylor’s house. The parent or guardian will be able to go to that location to retrieve their children. Parents should not respond to the children’s area because this will cause confusion.
If anyone smells or sees smoke or strange odors, and the fire alarm doesn’t activate, that person should immediately notify personnel and report the area in which the smoke or strange odor was detected and dial 9-1-1.
IF A FIRE ACTUALLY OCCURS and there is no nearby exit or escape route, REMAIN CALM. Look for exterior windows as possible exits and break windows if necessary, using whatever is available to do so. Use a cell phone to communicate with potential rescuers outside the building.
If there is no potential exit nearby, place towels or other items under doors to prevent smoke from entering the room. Always remember that staying low to the floor provides extra time to survive, because oxygen will diminish in the upper half of the room first. One way to know if an interior wall or door is too hot to exit through is to feel the wall/door with the back of one’s hand. If smoke is reducing visibility, FEEL along the wall, making your way towards a door or window to escape. As a reminder, TRY TO STAY AS CALM AS POSSIBLE.
If a bomb threat is received at GBC by phone, internet, verbally or a written message the following will help the staff and employees work through the threat received. When a bomb threat is received the individual receiving the threat should do the following:
- The individual receiving the bomb threat should try and get as much information as possible. If the threat is received by phone and is made as a verbal threat, the person that the threat is made to should write the information down as soon as possible. If the bomb threat is received via the internet or a written message, the individual should try and preserve the information until it can be investigated by the police.
- Once a bomb threat is received, the individual who received the threat should call the police and contact the senior staff member or other designated person so that the threat can be evaluated for the degree of severity.
- The staff or Security team leader will make the decision on the plan of action for the individuals that are in the church. The plan of action can include the following:
- Do nothing and operate without any notification.
- Notify and stay in place, or notify and conduct a walk-around inspection of the public areas.
- Notify with a walk-around inspection and shelter in place.
- Notify with a walk-around inspection and with an evacuation after the area and route of evacuation have been inspected for suspicious items.
- Once the police have arrived, the individual who received the bomb threat should speak with the police and any information should be turned over or shown to the police at the time of their arrival.
The police will assist in the investigation of the threat that is received, but the police usually will not search the area, nor will the police call for an evacuation. The evacuation call will be the responsibility of the senior staff member or the designee.
The evacuation routes can be the same as the fire evacuation routes or the routes can be changed for safety.
If either suspicious items or package are found or left at GBC, the following guidelines will help the staff and employees work through the event. When a suspicious items or packages are found, the individual that found the item should do the following:
- When an item or package is found, the individual finding it should not touch the item or package. He or she should clear the immediate area and contact the senior staff member or other designated person for the evaluation of the incident. Call the police if the item or package cannot be identified.
- Once the police have arrived, show the area and describe item or package to the police, but do not approach the suspicious item.
- The staff can make the decision on the plan of action for individuals in the church prior to the police arrival, or the staff can wait on the police to assist in the plan. The plan of action can include the following:
- Do nothing and operate without any notification and keep area clear of people,
- Notify and stay in place; keep area clear of people.
- Notify with a walk-around inspection, shelter in place and keep area clear of people.
- Notify with a walk-around inspection and with an evacuation after the area and route of evacuation have been inspected for other suspicious items. Meanwhile, keep the area clear of people.
- The police will assist in the evacuation and will secure the area necessary for the Security team of the incident area. The police will notify the appropriate agency for assistance.
- Once the police have secured or rendered the suspicious item or package safe, an inspection of the church property will have to be conducted. The inspection of the church should be done by individuals familiar with the area that is to be inspected for other suspicious items or packages.
The police will investigate the incident of the suspicious item unless the item is found to be non-criminal in nature.
The evacuation routes can be the same as the fire evacuation routes. Or routes can be changed for safety.
The state of Alabama, Department of Homeland Security, along with many other states, have adopted the {RUN-HIDE-FIGHT} philosophy when confronted with an active shooter. There are three options, listed in their order of preference.
If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:
- Have an escape route and plan in mind
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow
- Leave your belongings behind
- Help others escape, if possible
- Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be
- Keep your hands visible and fingers spread
- Follow the instructions of any police officer
- Do not attempt to move wounded people
- Call 911 when you are safe
If evacuation is not possible. Find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you.
Your hiding place should:
- Be out of the active shooter’s view
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an area with a closed and locked door
- Not trap you or restrict your options for movement
To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
- Lock the door
- Blockade the door
If the active shooter is nearby:
- Lock the door
- Silence your cell phone and/or pager
- Turn off any source of noise
- Hide behind large items
- Remain quiet
If evacuation and hiding out are not possible
- Remain calm
- Dial 9-1-1, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location
- If you cannot speak leave the line open and allow dispatcher to listen
As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
- Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her
- Throwing items and improvising weapons
- Yelling
- Committing to your actions
At the verbal warning of an armed intruder, or upon the sound of gunfire, all armed personnel, will move rapidly towards the location given in the verbal warning or towards to the sound of the gunfire. Upon locating armed intruders, Security team personnel will engage the intruders by whatever means necessary to prevent further penetration into the church and prevent injury or loss of life of anyone attending the church.
Then one Security team member will, at the warning of an armed intruder or upon the sound of gunfire, move as rapidly as possible to notify and protect the child-care facility. This member will take up a position where the main hallways of the child-care center intersect. From this position he will have a commanding view of all points of entry into the child-care area. This member should be prepared to engage intruders at any time and be aware of points of cover, such as doorways, as he moves to protect the children. Once the member is in position and no threat is seen, he will verbally direct caretakers of children in all classrooms to lock down, keep silent and keep away from windows
. Children should be as far from the door as possible, in a closet or bathroom in their rooms. Adults inside with them must prepare themselves to defend the children if an intruder enters the room.
The Security team member in the child-care facility may take up a defensive position with cover and concealment and defend the children against any intruders who may make it past the other Security team members.
Upon hearing gunfire, if the adults caring for the children they should, if possible, immediately, evacuate children through any nearby door or break a window in the room to affect their escape. If they adult does not receive the order from the Security team or cannot evacuate the children, that adult should lock and barricade the door, move all children into the classroom restroom or closet, and prepare themselves to fight to disarm or disable the intruders should they enter the room.
Once Security team members have stopped intruders, the intruders should be disarmed if feasible and their weapons taken by Security team member. If suspects are still a capable threat and cannot be disarmed, members should use cover and concealment as available, keep their weapons) trained on the suspects, and await the arrival of uniformed police officers.
If suspects are no longer a threat, the Security team members should then continue to clear the building in a rapid fashion, looking and listening for any additional suspect indicators — gunfire, screams, people running away, etc.
Security team members should be prepared to link up with uniformed police officers. Security team members must follow the orders of the uniformed officers immediately!!! Security team members may try and identify themselves with their credentials, BUT should expect to be ordered to drop their weapons by the uniformed officers and must comply at once!
At first warning of an armed intruder or upon the sound of gunfire, the person in charge of the group, (Sunday school teacher in Sunday school classes, pastor in the main service) Should immediately dial 9-1-1 and simultaneously direct as many persons as possible to evacuate the building through any door or window. Their escape should be in a direction opposite from where the intruder is reported or from where the gunfire is heard.
Any group or members of a group who are unable to evacuate, such as the elderly or disabled. should lock themselves in the room, closing all blinds and placing any heavy objects possible in front of the doorway. They should stay away from doors and windows. Persons barricaded inside the room must prepare themselves to attack intruders, using anything possible as weapons, if intruders breach the doorway and enter their room.
Security Team Member Requirements and Suggested Equipment
- Must be a GBC member.
- Must be totally committed to protecting and serving GBC family.
- Must have valid concealed carry permit (if carrying a fire arm).
- Must qualify yearly on the GBC approved shooter training course, using the “A POST” Commission (if carrying a fire arm).
- Required to attend group meetings.
- Required to attend quarterly range time as a group (if carrying a fire arm).
- Have a copy of ID and other valid documents on file in church office (driver’s license, gun permit, and shooter training certificate, etc.).
- Have a background check done and keep on file at church.
- Semi-automatic handguns only. (no revolvers)
- Be familiar with the approved Emergency Operations and Procedure manual for GBC.
Required Equipment:
1. If you carry a firearm, it is to be concealed carried, so as to be readily accessible and easy to draw. Recommended firearms should be 9mm caliber. No caliber smaller than a .380.
2. Flashlight
3. Radio for communication with other Security team members (provided by church).
4. A cell phone with Childersburg police listed as a first contact. The Childersburg police number is 256-378-7860.
5. Spare magazines and/or speed-loading devices.
6. Security team member credentials.
Security Team Members
Adam Jordon – Head of Security Team
Donald Haynes – Security Team Member
Marty Yager – Security Team Member
Michael McLain – Security Team Member
Mike Holmes – Security Team Member
Milton Blakey – Security Team Member
John Osbourn – Security Team Member
Jimbo Taylor – Security Team Member
Chase Wilkerson – Security Team Member
Lane Bulger – Security Team Member
Scott Traffanstedt – Security Team Member
Rodney Abbott – Security Team Member
Robbin Davison – Security Team Member
Tim Holloway MSN, RN – Medical Team Leader